Life Groups

FUEL Youth Fine Arts Small Group

Groups have been moved to meet on Zoom. See for details.

Fine Arts is a local Christ centered competition where students like you can use their gifts! At Fine Arts there are 60 different categories and 100s of auditions in individual, group, or team categories. 100s of students with gifts like yours come together and compete for a national bid! This fall we launched our FUEL Youth Fine Arts Small Groups from 3:30-5pm on Mondays for Singing and Wednesdays for Dance. Interested in solo mentorship? Stay after for another hour each of the days. See Olivia to sign up TODAY!

SOS: Sharing our Savior

SOS has been cancelled until the spring. Contact the office or visit for updates.

This year our FUEL Youth Students will be sharing their knowledge and gifts from Fine Arts to raise up the next generation through Fun Arts. Children ages 6-10 will enjoy instruction in the arts with adult coaching and youth assistance. They will explore a different art and gift God has given us each quarter with the hope to compete in 2021 with kids across the district. We hope to see you @ LIFE Thursdays @ 5:30pm.

Working On It

Working on It has been postponed until spring. Visit for updates.

We are “Working On It.” We are looking to mentor young men who may not have a mentor. In this process we will be working on cars/trucks/vans with the intent to be given to people in need. Whether you are interested in getting involved in helping, donating a vehicle or parts, or just want to attend. Join us @ LIFE Fridays from 5-8pm beginning January 10, 2020.

Creative Expressions Group

This group has been cancelled until spring. Please contact Melissa or the office for updates.

This Life Group is exactly that! All media welcome! Our goal for this group is to build community while using our imaginations in a stress free atmosphere. I am excited to share my knowledge in knitting, embroidery, and other craftiness! I also intend to incorporate several planned crafts for those who like a little more structure. I’m open to suggestions! There will be a box placed in the church for anyone who is able to donate craft materials such as paint, yarn, paper, metals, etc…I’m all about repurposing! Excited to see you there.


Foundations has been postponed until spring. Contact Joy Lively or the office for updates.

Would you like to know more about the Bible? Perhaps you feel unprepared to share or even defend your faith in Christ. The reason we can do so is that our foundation is in the Word of God. The Foundations Life Group will introduce you to biblical truths through a book entitled The Purple Book: Biblical Foundations for Building Strong Disciples, by Rice Brooks and Steve Murrell. This book is a twelve week study of the Bible, which will give you some Bible Basics. My goal for this group would be for us to develop a team that would then be able to share this book with new converts individually to help them develop as a Christian.  I believe Life Chapel is going to see people coming to Christ. Are we ready to lead to a deeper walk?

Becoming the Woman I Want to Be

This small group has been postponed for the time being. Please contact Rita Biggs or the office for updates.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you wish you felt better physically, spiritually, and emotionally? Would you like a gradual way to develop better eating habits? Do you wish you could stay motivated to exercise? Would you like to have a more consistent quiet time with God? Would you like an easy way to approach praying Scripture? Then join 90 Days to Becoming the Woman I Want to Be. If you have questions, sign up today below!

Small Kitchen Cooking

You can still sign up to join this group! Stay tuned to HERE or contact the office for updates on when this group will launch this year.

I have started a journey in my kitchen that I would like to share with others.  I call it Small Kitchen Cooking.  On this journey I hope to learn fundamental cooking techniques that will open up a broader world of food and cooking for increased confidence and enjoyment in the kitchen as well as at the table (yum-yum). This journey will involve three broad themes.  First, we will gain understanding that quality ingredients make for better meals and expectation that ingredients can only do certain things. This leads to the next broad theme that we understand the interaction of taste and flavor.  The third broad theme is learning some fundamental cooking techniques and becoming comfortable with them. I am still planning this journey and am looking for someone to assist me with the logistics of this Life Group. We hope to launch this group in April. Until then – bon appétit! – Chef Marc